Safari Information


All hunting clients, as well as non-hunters, must register their names and passport details with the Company. Eight passport-sized photographs of each hunting client and four passport-sized photographs for each observer are required for permits. Prior to the commencement of a safari, each client is sent an information sheet with the request to complete this sheet. This will assist us with the planning of your safari. This sheet requests firearms and ammunition data, personal details as well as food and beverage preferences. Clients are only permitted to hunt those animals specified on their permits and for which a quota exists. It is important to let us know your trophy priorities well in advance so that suitable areas are selected for your hunt and the proper quotas can be allocated. Kindly remember that hunting licenses are not transferrable.


Tanzania has three classes of hunting licenses. A hunter must choose a ten-day, sixteen-day, or twenty-one-day license, and a larger variety of species are available on the longer licenses. For example, a hunter may hunt up to two buffalo and a variety of plains game on a ten-day license, but must buy a sixteen-day license to hunt crocodiles and waterbuck and a twenty-one-day license to hunt elephant, sable, roan, lion, leopard, oryx, greater kudu, and eland. In addition to the license fee, trophy fees are charged for each species taken, as well as other government fees, which can add significantly to the safari cost.


Plains Game Adventures has the exclusive right to the finest game concession in Northern Tanzania:

The area is easily reached from arusha city about 1:30 hours and 90km by road via almost all-weather roads to Nakotela camp. Between Latitudes: 36.90 and 36.83.The terrain ranges from flat plains to scattered ridges or rows of hills. The elevation ranges from 560m to 2123m above sea level. The majority of the flood plains contain black/cotton soils, but the hills have weak soils that are prone to erosion. If you’re looking for a unique gift, this is the place to be. The majority of the vegetation has adapted well to arid circumstances and recurrent droughts. Bush fires are common in the area, and are typically initiated by livestock herders to fend off pests such as ticks and tsetse fly, as well as to promote green foliage growth for their cattle.


There is excellent bird shooting in Simanjiro naberera block. Available species include francolin, duck, geese and five species of francolin, three species of guinea fowl and quail as well as pigeons, doves and sand grouse.


We offer the opportunity to hunt during a 7, 10, 14 or 21 day safari. Safaris start on the day you depart Arusha and end on the day you return to Arusha. Please note that Tanzania government regulations stipulate the condition that a minimum 21 day safari be booked if a client wishes to hunt Royal Game. Please note that some travel time is taken with all safari camp transfers.


The Tanzanian hunting season is from 1st January through 31st December. The long monsoon rainy season is April / May, while the short rains usually fall between November and December. There is a minimal variation in temperature as Tanzania is located close to the equator. Simanjiro naberera block can be very cold at night especially during June, July and August.


The official language as well as the lingua franca of Tanzania is Swahili. All officials and some people in town speak English as well as Swahili, in addition to their own dialects. Our Professional Hunters speak English and Swahili.


The camp is 90 kilometers from Arusha and takes 1 hour 30 minute drive. You will be driven to camp via luxury SUV on the first day, morning of your Safari from Arusha and you will be driven back on your last day, usually in the evening.

The option to fly via air charter from Arusha to our bush airstrip is available. All charter flights are an added expense and are NOT included in the cost of your basic safari rate. The charter flight begins on the first day to the hunting camp. Clients return by air charter to Arusha at the end of their safari (optional).

All safaris start and end in Arusha, Tanzania. Currently, KLM operates flights in and out of Kilimanjaro International Airport, located in Arusha, Tanzania.

Except for guns and ammunition, clients are asked to limit their baggage to 44 pounds per person on light aircraft. Duffle bags are most convenient due to limited space on aircraft. Please bring soft gun cases in addition to hard gun boxes. The hard gun boxes will be stored in Arusha.


The Tanzania government permits each hunting client to import a maximum of three firearms. 200 rounds of ammunition per firearm are allowed. The minimum calibre for dangerous game permitted by law is .375. The minimum calibre for non-dangerous game is .240. Automatic and semi-automatic rifles or shotguns, and all handguns are prohibited.

We request clients to supply us with full and accurate details concerning their firearms, such as serial numbers, calibre, make and exact quantities of ammunition you intend to bring so that we may obtain permits well in advance of your arrival.


Clients must insure that their passports are valid and must obtain a Tanzania visa.


The Tanzanian Shilling is divided into 100 cents. Rates of exchange fluctuate constantly. Please note that credit cards are acceptable in some hotels and gift shops but cash is required at most public places.


Please check with your local physician and your Public Health Service for current health recommendations, as well as current anti-malarial prophylactics suggested for Tanzania and East Africa. Malaria prophylactics should be taken prior to arrival and continued after your departure. Please be sure to bring your own medications and prescription drugs. All our camps are equipped with a comprehensive medicine chest and all vehicles carry first aid kits.

MedJet Assist is an annual travel membership program for people who travel for business or pleasure anywhere in the world. As a MedjetAssist member, if you’re ever hospitalized more than 150 miles from home, they will fly you to the hospital of your choice at no additional charge in a medically equipped and staffed aircraft. Plains Game Adventures. highly recommends that you go to their link above and check out the options available to you.


Photographic and coastal side trips are available upon request.

There are many options to choose from, especially before or after your safari if you would like to explore and relax.

Please feel free to ask and we will send you the options available.

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